
With decades of personal experience navigating the politics and policymakers that influence American trade law, Constitution Partners offers in-depth knowledge of trade policy found in current legislation, regulation, and treaties.  We are interacting with key trade policymakers both on the Hill and in the Administration on daily basis and diligently work to ensure client priorities are top of mind for key decision makers.

Constitution Partners provides clients with the full range of custom services related to regulation of international trade and investment.  Our firm has extensive experience assisting clients with matters including: exclusion and extension process for Section 301 and Section 232 tariffs; sanctions; regulation of foreign investment; customs compliance and enforcement; the interpretation of international trade agreements; trade remedy proceedings (such as antidumping investigations); and trade issues that arise in transactions.

We provide strategic advice and intelligence for business leaders dealing with the fast-changing trade and foreign policy in Washington DC.  We work to tailor solutions to help clients achieve both their immediate as well as long-term goals. Currently we counsel clients in the food, agriculture, energy, steel, chemical, and manufacturing sectors.

Key Successes for Clients

  • Led a Section 232 investigation on crude oil imports for the domestic energy industry.

  • Managed a client portfolio that has secured hundreds of millions in relief from Section 301 and 232 tariffs for major corporations and small businesses.

  • Advised on the initiation of an Anti-Dumping & Countervailing Duties (AD/CVD) investigation by the International Trade Commission and have testified before the body on matters pertaining to improper trade practices.